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TPO Roofing Systems

1 / Roof Deck

Rubinsky Roofing will always tear off all roof components to expose your roof deck  Rubinsky Roofing will make the proper deck repairs to ensure the deck is ready for the roof installation. 

The roof deck (wood) lays between the structural components of a roof (the joists, rafters etc), the insulation, and the waterproofing layers (ice and water shield, synthetic felt, shingles etc). The roof deck is the section of the roof where everything else is placed. If your deck is compromised, your entire roofing system is compromised!

2 / ISO Boards

Rubinsky Roofing will install ISO boards on the entire roof.

Polyiso, or iso, is a high-performance insulation solution used in a multitude of applications, most notably, in this instance, residential and commercial roofing. Polyiso is short for polyiso-cyanurate, a rigid insulation board made of closed-cell foam.

3 / TPO

Rubinsky Roofing will install TPO on the entire roof.

Thermoplastic Polyolefin. This innovative material is made up of polypropylene, a chemical compound known for its elasticity and durability and commonly used in the manufacturing of a slew of both industrial and household products. This product is extremely durable against the elements.

Rubinsky Complete Roofing System

TPO (Thermoplastic Polyolefin)

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